Innocence of Corona
As a start “Did you know” who’s responsible for today’s global pandemic?
It’s you... Yes, you and me…
Regardless how does it happened each crisis is associated with four focuses or main characters:
First, The finder or who accused by.
Second, the one in charge who’s responsible to solve it
Third, who using it as an exploitation.
Fourth the affected person who trying to avoid it.
Let’s consider the finder reported it to the one in charge which who should timely contain the crisis which currently happening it wouldn’t even be needed to avoid or exploit…
As of all of us experience or heard his story the Chinese doctor who discovered coronavirus cases in Wuhan Marine Market, When Li Wenliang announced about it on social media and among his colleagues end of December he was rebuked and forced to sign a paper not to do so again in early January 2020 until he got infected himself and died in the next month…
A few days without quick and decisive decisions that should’ve been made for quarantine, Those were the watershed days to accurately determine the humanity's destiny that was suppressed by official forces claiming it was a rumor, and simply Wenliang’s colleagues, everyone who knew about it like you and me there participated in hiding such an information to prevent questioning and responsibility.
I just wonder what would happen if the pandemic appeared in non-repressive country, and Wenliang’s incident became a public opinion through media which should be it’s actual job during the first days… would infected cases in China reach 554 on January 22? And to 240,000 global cases around the world as of this writing?... Let’s see.
Numbers increased from 554 to 58,000 in China from January 22 to February 17, 2020, at a cumulative rate of about 2000 daily infections during 27 days, After quarantine and Huoshenshan Hospital in China began controlling the disease on February 2. As a result of these procedures the casualty index dropped down to 10000 infected cases in the period between February 17 to March 14 at a cumulative rate of about 1,777 cases per day during the last 27 days between February and March 2020… which means about 85% of infection reduction.
This means the country ability to resist infections without the need to establish a new hospital has reached to 85% before reaching to the infected number of 554 during 22 days since the disease was discovered, which means by January 22 cases would never put together 84 cases in China and around 33,000 worldwide cases, added to that the possibility preventing the disease breakout to the glob at all if my calculations are accurate…
Yet, a way or another it is true that state repression has contributed handling the pandemic after it’s already outbroken, but if that country was capable to timely impose quarantine, it wouldn’t even give a chance to create the pronunciation “breakout”
Is it time to admit that dictatorship is responsible for spreading or controlling the disaster that happened, happening and will happen? Does each ally of a dictator around the world know how extent pain every oppressor person who knows about a crisis but he is obliged to hide the truth because of his country's dictatorship?, Do each great country president think producing weapons, fueling conflicts and selling it is more profitable than scientific researches? Developing humanity and relaying on each others instead of fighting each others? Does every racist president think he only just has to satisfy his own people and let the rest beyond the borders in destruction?
I think they know now and even paying the price...
And if racism is one of our destruction causes, are we aware of how importance our humanity is? Are we aware of our upper hand responsibility upon all the rest of creatures on earth? Do we have the right to torture, skin, roast and eat creatures even while it’s alive?? That’s if it was even edible! And if accidently a weak being launched against its will even weaker than us and them in the strain, that have the ability to torture, and economically, socially, healthy humiliate us and even capable of eliminating all of our nation, will we be entitled to consider it a brutal being? How about we did the same before? What if that being was able to develop the same as we developed? That’s if it’s not already developed to execute us just by drizzles or touching… And it might even get the upper hand upon our own destiny…
To respond the question if Coronavirus is criminal or innocent let's examine around the world armed conflicts reports that says it kills around 100,000 people a year as a result of ignorant, sectarianism, terrorism, capitalism, etc. we must admit it each of us inevitably feels how armed violence have receded since the pandemic appeared, how environment were improved and even inimical countries started to support each others, maybe because due to proponent's preoccupation of conflicts by what’s more important, or maybe because of their capitalism is sent to death… Will we admit the innocence of coronavirus if it’s killed about similar numbers by the end of 2020? Or will we start accusing ourselves of the same crime?
Positively I will put (our innocence and his) or (his criminality and ours) in one basket and we have to choose in both cases will all of us will remain as criminals or will we be considered as innocent then why should we even resist it?
There’s no doubt that corona is certainly not worse than us in any way, as it has not yet killed “yet” 60 million people around the world in World War II … will it happen?.... I doubt, why?
Because, Of course, we will use one of our nuclear countries desktop buttons… We will definitely rend it…What? Really, we cant? So what is the point of each nuclear button’s various sizes that every superpower country president own? ... Only our extermination?!
We are all have an inside media version of us trying to praise the basic principles of humanity, rejecting extremism, racism, dictatorship, and others of which we got board of repeating them looking for other more sense of humor or joy alternatives to add to our lives as an exchange of our destinies, only to keep our slogan that may work only for election campaigns or the clowns we’ve made of ourselves on media, but certainly we will not utilize it in our routine personal life… This is the significant crime. Our principles have lost in favor of our clowns, that we abandoned in exchange for capitalism that was the reason for someone who isn’t capable of arranging his own bed to arrange our world conditions…
Coronavirous now is just a being that wants to share live with us, it’s a consequence that reflects our falsehood principles and actions, One day soon or later we will get rid of it even if it left us with one lung instead of two, there we must find a solution for ignorant and capitalism, we are not created to worship matter, nor to rush after the carrot hanged out from behind our backs, we’ve been created to develop ourselves, And if this warning bell wasn’t enough to get back to our principles, something worse than corona will appear, something with sword and shield, but this time it will not ask to share our life but to stay alone… and it will remain.
Ramy Abdeen