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Through Needle's Eye

Based on a true story...

 Through Needle's Eye

Adam is the name that my parents decided to call me… 

Among a few things they gave me and I liked was my name, the name I carried for over 30 years, which I have been known by, throughout my study levels until graduation from Social Studies and being lucky enough to have what I can call my first actual job. 

Like lots of my fellow generation, we usually don’t work in the same field that we studied, therefore I have gone through the media field, which I didn’t have lots of passion for it at the beginning I’d say. In short words, I have been pushed into it through a recommendation by my father. 

Unlike the majority, I didn’t like the media field too much, but I can’t deny that I found my passion through it, which wasn’t an actual kind of media-related position, moreover was a management position. I started as a department coordinator until promoted to a department operations manager, and that’s when I started to find out what if you wish to call it a skill, craft, or even a talent that seemed to go through my soul. 

I found out my orientation to details, a very scheduled and organized person, back then some people considered that as an OCD, and some others even went so far as calling it a curse, the way I was very specific to details, Instead, I called it a gift even though management sometimes bring some extra weight.

As a none narcissistic person, I didn’t like to be put on the wall of fame or multiply my features. But through over 10 years in such a field, I think I have gone through lots of troubles and delighting moments, that strengthen my ability to handle any situation, expect the issue before it happens, and take the right decision to construct a permanent solution. And put our agency on top of other competitors, under the wise leadership of my direct CEO and the co-team.

Until one day, my CEO and the co-team moved to start their own business, which back then was undersize than our agency, which they were already over capacity, as they couldn’t accommodate most of the current agency team. Right after, our agency went through many financial situations, especially after the revolution’s circumstances, which led the owners to sell the company, and the new owners started to bring their own teams. 

As a result, they started to let go of most of the old-school teams, and I was one of them. I of course felt bitterness and injustice especially when I didn’t do a thing to deserve such a fate, and decided to take the legal channels suing new owners. Back then I received a couple of offers from other agencies, and to me, they didn’t seem to be better choices or even have a good reputation, and honestly, I didn’t want to repeat myself in another loop of the same circle. 

Therefore I decided to use my experience and invest my skills in media to become a freelancer, and I recalled how I was attracted to the marketing department, where it went hand in hand with my capabilities in organizing, scheduling, and management. 

Here is where I started my journey with Udacity when I heard about it from a close friend who introduced me to the initiative, I was extremely excited about it and at the beginning, I couldn’t believe that my country is offering such a wonderful opportunity and absolutely for free.

Copyrights © Ramy Abdeen 2022. All rights reserved.

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